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wipe the skin with an ice cube.

Why you can not wipe the skin with an ice cube.

Surely you have read or heard somewhere that rubbing your skin with ice cube, you can get rid of many problems: dull skin, premature wrinkles and various pigmentation. Let's see if it works or not. Everyone knows that the body at all different and correspondingly the skin, as a secretory organ, is also different. The same type of skin reacts differently to various cosmetic products, and sometimes it can not be perceived at all - the same with ice (and with ice water). How does the process itself look like: due to temperature changes, blood circulation in the skin integuments increases, as, for example, with facial massage. But this procedure is not for everyone. I do not presume to speak for the composition of ice, they are not involved, I'm talking specifically about the process itself, because when the temperature drops, the skin experiences severe stress.

I will give a simple example.

When we go out into the cold our skin experiences the same stress, but it is in this case that we smear the skin with cream, that it would have some protection. If the skin does not have protection, dryness, dehydration and peeling may occur.

In the case of ice, the skin is not protected from such a factor as cold. Many write that the skin is fueled by melt water, but nobody canceled the law of physics - the skin does not absorb water, the water evaporates, taking moisture from the surface of the skin.
This example is not the only contraindication for using ice as a procedure.

If you have thin skin, close to its surface, capillaries or vascular asterisks - you can not wipe the skin with ice, as this leads to vasodilation, for the same reason, it is necessary to refuse the skin from rubbing with ice if there are diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, this procedure is contraindicated in couperose, in the presence of various kinds of rashes and inflammations.

Due to slowing down of aging

Everything is very controversial. Some cosmeticians say that stimulation of blood flow leads to an acceleration of cell renewal. Others say that spasms of the vessels on the contrary slow down the processes of renewal. Once again - it is debatable.

The conclusion is this: wiping with ice is suitable only for people who do not have cardiovascular disease with normal skin without brightly expressed problems.

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